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File operations

File name operations

a/b/c a/b/c.txt
FileNameSplit {a, b, c} {a, b, c.txt}
FileBaseName c c
FileExtension txt
FileNameTake c c.txt
FileNameDrop a/b a/b
DirectoryName a/b/ a/b/

FileNameSplit[file_] - split the file path into a list of path elements.

FileBaseName[file_] - return the file name.

FileExtension[file_] - return the file extension.

FileNameTake|FileNameDrop[file_] - Take|Drop for file path.

DirectoryName[file_] - return the directory path.

FileNameJoin[list_] - join the list of path elements into a file path according to the operating system.

File operations

a/b/c a/b/c.txt /Downloads/test/sub1 /Downloads/test/sub1/file1.txt
FileExistsQ False False True True
FileType None None Directory File
FileFormat $Failed $Failed Directory Text
DirectoryQ False False True False
ParentDirectory ParentDirectory["a/b/c"] ParentDirectory["a/b/c.txt"] /Downloads/test ParentDirectory["/Downloads/test/sub1/file1.txt"]

FileExistsQ[file_] - test whether a file exists.

FileType[file_] - return File|Directory or None if the file does not exist.

FileFormat[file_] - try to return the file type.

DirectoryQ[file_] - return True if the input is an existing directory, and return False if the input is not a directory or the directory does not exist.

ParentDirectory[dir_] - check existence of the directory and and return the parent directory.



FileNames[forms_,dirs_,depth_] - return a list of file paths in the directories.

FileSystemMap|FileSystemScan[f_,dir_] - Map|Scan for files.

FileSystemTree[dir_] - return the file tree.


NotebookDirectory[] - current notebook directory.

$HomeDirectory - home directory.

$TemporaryDirectory - system temporary directory.

$UserBaseDirectory - directory for user-specific add-on files.

$UserBasePacletsDirectory - directory for user-specific paclet files.

$Path - the list of directories to find an external file.

Directory[] - return the working directory.

SetDirectory[dir_] - set the working directory.

ResetDirectory[] - revert to the previous working directory.